April 27, 2024


Aeronautical Engineers’ Summit 2024

Being the leading catalyst in the development of the aviation industry, the Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP) is dedicated to its commitment in advancing the Aeronautical Engineering profession in our country. In line with this, the organization partnered with the Board of Aeronautical Engineering of the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) last April 27, 2024 at the Networld Hotel in Pasay City to conduct the Aeronautical Engineer’s Summit 2024, in which contributions of the aeronautical engineers in our country were recognized as well as plans to strengthen the curriculum in schools offering aeronautical engineering were discussed. 

The summit was attended by the Board of Officers of SAEP, including Dr. Jay Jack R. Manzano (SAEP President), Engr. Jabel Jay N. Abella (SAEP Vice President), and Engr. Joy Cosme G. Amores Jr. (SAEP Secretary). Engr. Ernesto B. Ferreras Jr. (Chairman of the Board of Aeronautical Engineering) and Engr. Redentor C. Malia (Member of the Board) were also present to oversee the event. The summit centered on pursuing the amendments to be made on the Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1570, the decree regulating the practice of aeronautical engineering in the Philippines.

SAEP members discussed their observations on the practice of aeronautical engineering and employment opportunities for its graduates in the country. Moreover, the organization is making a step to pursue and support the new and updated “Aeronautical Engineering Bill.”  Such house bill encompasses on making amendments on P.D. 1570 and strengthening the Professional Board of Aeronautical Engineering. SAEP officials pointed out the need for the said bill, which is vital for the aeronautical engineering profession to adapt to the modernization of the aviation industry. Participating members of SAEP and the Aeronautical Engineering Board diligently presented their suggestions to captivate the agreement on the possible alteration to be applied to the decree.

The summit also revolved on the employment and integration of Aeronautical Engineering in a broader demand in the aviation and even the space industry in the near future, highlighting the essence of the field as stated by the P.D. No. 1570.

One key takeaway from the event was that Aeronautical Engineers play a crucial role in the innovation and advancement of the nation’s aviation industry.  Therefore, it is essential for them to have a broader scope of the workplace in the country, encouraging them to contribute to the local industry instead of going abroad.